Hi list

i've made a fld appearing on the screen
this fld show a text (coming from a variable)
this fld  is locktext 
his fld contains the script

on mouseUp
global gFlagEnd
put true into gFlagEnd
end mouseUp

the fld does appear
when I click inside the fld, the fld disappears
it's OK

i'd like that the fld will disapear spontaneously after 5 seconds

how can I add this command to the script below ?

my script

on toggleexercice tDerniereDate
   global gEndFlag
    if gEndFlag is false then
      if tDerniereDate <> empty then
         set the blendLevel of  fld "showExercice" to 100
         show fld "showExercice"
         repeat with x = 100 down to 35
            set the blendLevel of  fld "showExercice" to x
            wait 1 ticks
         end repeat
      end if
      send toggleexercice to me in 1
      repeat with x = 35 to 100
         set the blendLevel of  fld "showExercice" to x
         wait 1 tick
      end repeat
      hide fld "showExercice"
      exit to top
   end if
end toggleexercice

thank you very much



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