Le 17 nov. 2010 à 19:45, Ian McKnight a écrit :

> How about sending another send in time message to change the global after 5
> seconds?
> I haven't tried itand there may be a more efficient way to code this but I
> think it should work.
> The only thing is you will have quite a number of unneeded calls of the
> secondTimer. To overcome this you need to record the send ID in a variable
> and then clear these IDs from the pending messages
> For more info look up send and cancel in the dictionary
> local myPendingMessages
> on toggleexercice tDerniereDate
>  global gEndFlag
>   if gEndFlag is false then
>     if tDerniereDate <> empty then
>        set the blendLevel of  fld "showExercice" to 100
>        show fld "showExercice"
>        repeat with x = 100 down to 35
>           set the blendLevel of  fld "showExercice" to x
>           wait 1 ticks
>        end repeat
>     end if
> send secondTimer to me in 5 Sec
> -- record the message ID
> put the result&cr after myPendingMessages
>     send toggleexercice to me in 1
>  else
>     repeat with x = 35 to 100
>        set the blendLevel of  fld "showExercice" to x
>        wait 1 tick
>     end repeat
>     hide fld "showExercice"
> clearMyPendingMessages
>     exit to top
>  end if
> end toggleexercice
> command secondTimer
> if gFlagEnd is false then put True into gFlagEnd
> end secondTimer
> command clearMyPendingMessages
> repeat for each line tMsg in myPendingMessages
> cancel tMsg
> end repeat
> put empty into myPendingMessages
> end clearMyPendingMessages

Hi Ian,

the script above runs but the fld "showExercice" doesn't disappear sponaneously
I still have to click in the fld to makes it disappear
please do you have another idea for me???
thank you very much



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