On Monday, July 7, 2003, at 12:47 PM, Yves COPPE wrote:

the stack is about 5.6 MBytes where can I see the amount of RAM allowed on MAC OS X ???

my computer has 768 MBytes physical RAM !!!!

I would rule this out. You have plenty of RAM. Unless you are editing some DVDs in the background or something :-)

Mac OS X uses it's "virtual memory" all the time. Virtual memory includes physical RAM + disk space as overflow RAM. The effect is that Mac OS X will never run out of memory, instead it will start paging memory to disk and slowly churn churn churn until it's dead in the water.

Use Utilities/Process Viewer.app to see how much memory an app is using. **

Use the terminal command vm_stat for arcane information about the virtual memory system.

** It might be hard to separate your stack's memory usage from Revolution unless you build a standalone and run it.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.

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