On Friday, July 18, 2003, at 10:13 PM, Ken Norris wrote:

I forgot to mention. The rectangle is correct in the example but the
values are scrambled in the TD. If you get a picture of the wrong part
of the screen, that may be the trouble.
OK, I'll keep that in mind...if i knew what a TD is.

Sorry, I had seen others refer to the Transcript Dictionary as the TD and I was trying to act cool like I was in the in crowd.

The entry for 'import snapshot' has this syntax description:
import snapshot [from rect[angle] top,left,bot,rt [of window windowID]]

The example for taking a screenshot of a stack has this line:
    import snapshot from rect (the rect of stack "My Stack")

...so I think the syntax should be this:
import snapshot [from rect[angle] left,top,rt,bot [of window windowID]]

...which seems to work for me.

Dar Scott

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