
Message: 9
Subject: Re: Corrupted stack
From: Pierre Sahores <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 22 Jul 2003 23:43:05 +0200

On Tue, 2003-07-22 at 23:12, Jim Hurley wrote:
Ouch! I lost a stack while working in 2.0

 The stack still appears on my hard drive and is 572 K  in size. So
 there is something there.

 I  tried to open it in RR 1.1.1 and I got a message "Stack corrupted;
 check for ~ backup."

I searched my drive for a tilde file and found nothing.

I'm afraid I've been spoiled by RR's reliability and took no precautions.

Any ideas on recovery?


 use-revolution mailing list

Try to see if a temporary backup issue of the corrupted stack is still available on the hard disk. If yes, save a copy of this stack and try to reopen it, directly. Test the revert command too of the corrupted stack. Both this methods have only chance to work if you did'nt quit the RR session along witch the stack has been saved in its actual corrupted state.

If this don't work, try to restore the stack in searching among the
temporary files you can see on your hard drive in using tools like
"Norton Utilites".

Hope this can help.
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

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Thanks for the tips. I'll see what Norton can do for me.

I am pessimistic however. I did something profoundly stupid. (I am a recovering Catholic; hence this need for confession.) I lost the stack in question while I was working on it. It just disappeared from the screen. I tried to reopen it from the open menu but Rev assumed it was already active. So I decided to shut down and start over. And, is my habit when closing RR, I *saved* all running stacks, thus, apparently saving the corruption. I suspect, therefore, that any files I find will also be corrupted.


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