Message: 2 Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 09:08:11 -0700 (PDT) From: Jan Schenkel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: Corrupted stack To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- Pierre Sahores <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 17:06, Jim Hurley wrote:
 > [snip]
 > I am pessimistic however. I did something
 profoundly stupid. (I am a
 > recovering Catholic; hence this need for
 confession.) I lost the
 > stack in question while I was working on it. It
 just disappeared from
 > the screen.

 If this occurs again, try always (from the message
 box) "set the visible
 of window #stack xxx to true" before any thing else.

And also try from the message box : set the topLeft of stack "Foobar" to 100,100 just in case it got sent somewhere off-screen.

Jan Schenkel.

Jan and Pierre,

You were both on the right track and thank you for the suggestions.

It turned out to be quite tricky.

I tried to open the file once again, and once again there was no visible stack. It wasn't even listed in the Window pull down menu. But this time it was the first stack I tried to open and lo and behold, I noticed that there was *another* stack and it was named "Utilities". Where in the world did that come from?

So I went to the Application browser and the property inspector and found that the stack Utilities had a width of 20 pixels and a height of 20 pixels. And the property inspector wouldn't allow me to increase these values. My stack had changed its name and permanently shrunk.

Well, to make a long story short (actually too late for that) I discovered that I had originally been attempting to give a pull down menu (named Utilities) an icon. Apparently I had selected the *stack* and not the Utilities *button*. I had renamed the stack "Utilities", and given it a 20x20 icon. So, of course, my stack disappeared, or rather shrank to a tiny icon and I just didn't see it. Furthermore when I tried to open it in RR 1..1 I got a message: "stack corrupted," and I assumed the worst.

(I know there is a value to giving the stack and the file different names, but this often trips me up. I was opening a file named "Optics" and getting a stack name "Utilities.")

Well, to make a long story story (again) I set the stack icon to 0 and renamed the stack, and so all is now well. Whew!

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