> Message: 8
> Date: Mon, 04 Aug 2003 13:52:42 +1000
> From: Sarah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Proposal - the use-revolution list
>> It's not strange at all. A mailing list comes to you and demands your
>> attention. A message board sits there lurking 24/7, but unless you
>> bother to check it, it generally won't remind you.
> This is my problem with a forum/message board/newsgroup. The list comes
> directly to my inbox and I can easily scan through the new items,
> discarding the threads that don't interest me and reading those that
> do. Most of the emails come during the Australian night, so I don't
> even have to wait for them to download :-) If I had to log in to a web
> site and click my way painfully through a series of links, I wouldn't
> read most of them and therefore would be in no position to respond.
> So please, whatever else is set up in parallel, don't drop the list!

Just a note to say that we have no intention of dropping the list. This
model works well for a large number of people. What, if anything, we set up
in parallel, is open to debate. It's certainly possible that at some time in
the future we will add a web forum.



> Cheers,
> Sarah
> http://www.troz.net/Rev/

Heather Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.runrev.com/>
Runtime Revolution Ltd.
Tel: +44 (0) 131 7184333 Fax: +44 (0)1639 830707
Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought

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