On Tuesday, August 5, 2003, at 12:26 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

In the meantime, I've worked in teams of four or five with Rev stuff and we
did it with no special tools at all. We used a modular aproach with
multiple stack files, having defined a few rules about how the parts fit
together and what's expected from each. Each module had an owner, and the
modules were prioritized according to how commonly they are used throughout
the system. Only two of us lived in the same city, and with nothing more
than an FTP repository, email, and a good long-distance rate it seemed to go

Well, sure. At the stack level that works. I can't figure a good way to do this any deeper in Rev.

RB's promise(not yet fulfilled) is to allow such modularity at the control level. e.g. I place the button, you code it, I modify it, yours gets modified.

Even in small groups of two to five, this could have a lot of advantages. I find that each developer has a natural inclination to certain types of routines, so with such a system each specialist can focus on their specialty. Since my team is all in-house, the verbal communications are a non-issue - the real-time synchronization is.

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