On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 05:17 PM, Monte Goulding wrote:

My guess (and this is something that we probably shouldn't guess about) is
that the copyright laws of the originating country apply to each individual
post. The copyright over the archive may be another matter as anyone can
archive the list. I can't see that any copyright can be held over a
collection like that. Otherwise art galleries etc would be laughing.

I think this is something that should be considered carefully. How many of
us have handlers that came from this list or Ken Ray's Tips in our apps? I
do. The last thing we need is SCO taking over one of our companies hey!



The SCO depute is over permission to disclose patented source code through a lawsuit over breach of contract. All this back and forth stuff is in regards to patents that have been awarded. They exist because of basic concepts for patents here in the USA. If the source code or even the idea that the source code attempts to conceive was published like on a list like this then the source code could not be patented. This is because of the Previous Art clause.

So stuff published on this list is already public domain. Now there is the issue of copyright. I believe that you can protect the copyright of an application that you create and defend that in a lawsuit. You could do that without regard for algorithms that were previously published and without fear of previous Art issues like in patents. The trick is to share only what you would not mind giving away.


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