Dar --

Below I've tried to answer all your questions. But I should make clear up front that this problem fixed itself on at least one of my Macs. See below in response to your request for workarounds for more details...

On Wednesday, August 27, 2003, at 03:52 PM, Dar Scott wrote:

Folks who have had trouble...

Where did you put the Revolution folder?
In Applications

What beta and RC did you have installed and licensed previously?

Did you move, remove or modify com.Revolution.Revolution.plist?

Did you use the same name and org as per the old licensing or put in something else?
As best I can tell, yes. I admit to not being very careful about whether I used my middle initial in each copy, or whether I inserted a comma before the "LLC" in my company name. But I've never been very careful about these things, and never had this problem before.

Did you have to paste the key twice to get the license key into the field?

Any workarounds yet?

Funny you should ask. I received a new license from Heather this morning, along with some specific questions about my installation, so that RunRev could assist with a solution. Before submitting this info, I thought I'd try to launch 2.1 again. I double-clicked on the application icon, and for some reason, the problem was gone. The license agreement came up, I accepted the terms, and was able to enter the new license number. Version 2.1 is running just fine now.

I have no idea why this is. It's not due to rebooting between yesterday and today, because I in fact tried a reboot, and even an extended shut down, when I first started having the problem.

I'll have to try this on my PowerBook again when I get home tonight, as I had the same problem there. It will be beyond wild if the problem is solved on that machine, too.

I'm not sure this helps, other than to suggest to those who had this problem that they may wish to try again.

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