I wrote:

Has anyone been able to get "find" to work in a cgi? I think I remember someone said they could, but I have never been able to.

I'd like to pursue this some more (again; I've asked about it on the list before.) I just did some testing and am getting weird results.

Because I couldn't get "find" to work with a cgi, I had written a script that loops through all the fields of each card looking for a search term. The script creates an html document out of the results, which it places into the variable "buffer", and ends by writing a minimal header like this:

  put "Content-Type: text/html" & cr
  put "Content-Length:" && the length of buffer & cr & cr
  put buffer -- this contains the html text

This works fine. But it would be easier and quicker to use "find" to compile the search results. I wrote a "find" routine that works well in the IDE. Everything in this second script is the same as the first script, except that instead of looping with "offset" I use "find" to locate instances of the search term. I get the same search results and the script builds the same html document. I use the same header as above when outputting the results.

When I run this "find" script as a cgi, I get a "malformed header" error in the system log:

malformed header from script. Bad header=0 0: /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/search.mt

Why would a header be "malformed" in the second case and not in the first? What difference would it make how the content was collected? Every other part of both scripts is identical.

What header should I use?

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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