I am developing database apps on OS X and was wondering what people do for the typical database scenario where the user needs the ability to scroll thru a list of records (I call it a "browse") to select a record to view/edit/delete?

Hi Brian,

Here are some approaches I use:

1. Maintain a scroll field in the stack on-the-fly by updating the field with each addition, deletion, or change to displayed information. Limitation: not suitable for active multi-user dbs.

2. Ask the db to return paired lists of specified record content and the corresponding record ids. Display the first list in a field with a mouseUp handler along the lines of

loadARecord line (word 2 of the clickLine) of field "Record Ids".

Limitation: server O/H accessing all records.

3. Display a search dialog that fetches & displays all/next/someQuantity of matching records for the user to select from. This uses Transcript's Find command, and is reasonable fast--I have test dbs up to 20K+ records & 20+MB. In addition, in Client/Server mode each hit is returned to the client, which in turn issues another Find starting at the new location. This reduces the potential for searching a large range of records from locking out other clients...however this is still a potential problem as the entire range will be searched in one operation if the target text is not found.

The search dialog will be included in the next release of Serendipity Library. If you'd like a copy or a screen shot of the search subStack, let me know privately.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)
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