> I also don't like the user having to scroll thousands of lines of gibberish
> until one that they like or even makes sense pops up.

I did this program in C some fifteen or so years ago. Wrote an article
for Rainbow (Color Computer) magazine on it, the first and only article
I've published. My program only generated the raw list.

I find it interesting that the letter-to-key association list supplied
by Geoff does not match the list I used. I supposed different countries
use different associations? Maybe different phone companies? It would be
fun to do with Japanese, if I had the time.

The only way to filter out the dead stuff is to filter against some sort
of a spelling dictionary, which kind of points to another solution
(which I have not implemented, and which might be a useful exercise in
password security problems).

It's going to be a long list, anyway you build it, of course.

A slightly different approach would be to build a little dialogue box
that either takes a phone number and permutes it to letter combinations
for you, or takes a word and permutes it the other way to phone numbers.

Joel Rees, programmer, Systems Group
Altech Corporation (Alpsgiken), Osaka, Japan

"When software is patentable, anything is patentable." 

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