On Friday, September 26, 2003, at 01:05 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

After talking to our guru, Lindows just happens to be a paying version of
a reduced debian distro.
The author may have been involved in a scam web site earlier too... Sounds
like another Bill Gates
wannabe to me...

Well marketed though. For those interested there is more on www.cnet.com.
In brief, they
say you have little control over the installation. But it's easy to
install. Has KDE is in but no Gnome.

Getting non click'n'run apps may be a problem zone. And the Click'n'run
will make the OS much
more expensive in the long run. There's no office suite which is avlb in
other distros and if you dont
have an ADSL, it gets costlier.

Most innapropriate is the fact that you have to pay for any other program.
Which is good
for us revolution developpers but as a user, is not a good feature. Very

Compatibility with other rpms may also be another wall...

Xavier thanks for the info.

But please do not lose sight of the main point with Lindows- it's not a distro for the Linux geek! This is for people who don't know or care about kernel 2.x, Debian, KDE, Gnome, RPM, slashdot, etc.

They sell Lindows preloaded computers at WAL-MART for goodness sake (in the U.S, WAL-MART is this giant superstore that attracts the most average, typical, dumbest U.S. consumer there exists).

The LindowsCD does come with OpenOffice BTW - at least there is a menu item for it, I didn't launch it.

I see Lindows mainly as a marketing conduit- if I were running Linux day to day I would probably go with Redhat just because that's what I know. Although Knoppix is way cool for CD bootable.

I saw an article somewhere that Seagate (disk drive mfg) is going to be pre-loading Lindows onto their disks at the factory!!. Maybe I hallucinated that one... can't find the article now.

Alex Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | Mindlube Software | http://mindlube.com

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco

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