Hello Chipp, List,

As a long user of Linux as both a development platform and a web/erp's
over internet services hosting platform, it seem me that some main
distro are mostly dedicated to build great, powerfull and secure servers
solutions (internet/intranet/extranet/VPN/ERP,...).

About server stuffs, i always used, with great satisfaction, Suse
distros (6.3 to 8.2) and never had troubbles or difficulties --> i will
continue to use Suse or ReadHat distros in about server solutions.

On the other hand, we really need a destktop dedicated distro to become
able to say to "Windows" users people : "come on ! Try MacOSX,
Lindows,... : it will let you discover the power of unixes and it's
exactly as simple as Win98SE is and it works better, faster than

Because Suse or Readhat are mainly getting incomes from the server's
dedicated solutions, they are not really interested in building (and
maintaining !) Desktop's distros over years --> one time, Suse is
available under the PPC platform, as a Desktop box solution, one time no

If there are people to build great Desktop's dedicated solutions, this
will be good too (even if we have to pay a little to get a fine product
instead of spending weeks to adapt a full free distro to each of our
boxes...) and it's why i just want to thank Chipp, to point us in about
testing the "Lindows" distro. I got it and i will test it as soon as

Just one more word to add and say again and again... that, our lovely RR
is exactly the RAD/XTalk that the Linux developpers community need to

Thanks again, Chipp :-)

Bests to All, Pierre

Le ven 26/09/2003 à 11:04, Chipp Walters a écrit :
> Xavier,
> > After talking to our guru, Lindows just happens to be a paying version of
> > a reduced debian distro.
> Lindows is indeed based on Debian, as they say on their website, but have
> you ever tried installing Debian? It's not for amateurs! BTW, as I mentioned
> in my article, Linux hardcore slashdot types don't like Lindows, because it
> IS so simple and not completely free. Took me a long time to figure it out
> for myself, as I originally believed them. You should really take the time
> and try this distro before forming an opinion on it.
> > The author may have been involved in a scam web site earlier
> > too... Sounds
> > like another Bill Gates
> > wannabe to me...
> I assume by 'author' you are referring to Michael Robertson, CEO of Lindows.
> Among other things, he is a well-respected CEO with numerous successes
> running other companies, including the founding of MP3.com. You probably
> should check your facts before spreading FUD.
> >
> > Well marketed though. For those interested there is more on www.cnet.com.
> > In brief, they
> > say you have little control over the installation. But it's easy to
> > install. Has KDE is in but no Gnome.
> For those of you who don't know, KDE is a windowing interface, just like
> Gnome. Many prefer KDE over Gnome because it is more Windows like. In either
> case, both are nice interfaces. I have used both and much prefer KDE. It
> looks better, and being a designer, looks are important to me.
> >
> > Getting non click'n'run apps may be a problem zone. And the Click'n'run
> > will make the OS much
> > more expensive in the long run. There's no office suite which is avlb in
> > other distros and if you dont
> > have an ADSL, it gets costlier.
> You can use apt-get (free) to download and install debian packages if you
> don't want to use Click-N-Run. There are even Lindow fan sites with
> instructions and downloads. I prefer the Click-N-Run approach because it is
> SOOO easy.
> As a Click-N-Run member, you can also have Lindows send you the programs on
> CD as well (called Lindows Plus). This is handy if you don't have a fast
> connection.
> No office suite? I imagine you're referring to the base install doesn't have
> an office suite. Of course both Star Office and Open Office are available
> via Click-N-Run or apt-get. In fact, the LindowsCD comes with OpenOffice. I
> much prefer this model as I want as streamlined an OS as possible. The base
> install is like MS, browser and email is all you get. But, installing your
> favorite Office Suite is a simple download away. Also, Click-N-Run makes it
> easy to UNINSTALL apps as well (sometimes very difficult for Linux).
> >
> > Most innapropriate is the fact that you have to pay for any other
> > program.
> This is not true. If you subscribe to Click-N-Run ($49), you get access to
> over 1800 programs to download, of which over 95% of them are free.
> According to the GNU license, you can charge for distribution of GNU
> software, which is what Lindows does...just like Red Hat, Suse and others do
> today.
> > Which is good
> > for us revolution developpers but as a user, is not a good feature. Very
> > limiting.
> 'Very limiting???' How so?
> >
> > Compatibility with other rpms may also be another wall...
> My understanding is that RPMs are for distributing apps mainly for Red Hat.
> Debian (and thus Lindows) doesn't use them.
> Xavier, I would suggest you spend some time researching Lindows and decide
> for yourself, instead of asking your favorite Linux guy. While I originally
> had many of the same concerns as you, once I started learning more on my
> own, I found that Lindows is perfect for what I want to do. And their
> software distribution is most incredible, and solves a lot of problems for
> small developers.
> best,
> Chipp
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Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

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