In Revolution how can I display text with foreign character sets? Not Unicode. For example this text file is ISO-8859-2 (Central European ISO Latin 2)

In Apple TextEdit, I can select "Central European ISO Latin 2" while open that file and it displays what appear to be the correct characters.

Rev's MacToISO and ISOToMac functions, while useful, seem to fall short of dealing with many, many text encodings out there. Hopefully I am overlooking something. I fear I will have to write an external to do this :-/

From the documentation, it seems that ISOtoMac
handles only 8859-1. Other encodings would surely be a welcome addition to this function. This workaround will enable you to show the Polish text above in a Revolution field:

- set the textfont of the field to Times CE or another CE font
- open the text with Safari (other OS X browsers probably work as well)
- change the encoding in Safari to Latin-2
- select all, copy, paste into field in Revolution
--- Kjetil Rå Hauge, U. of Oslo. Tel. +47/22856710, fax +47/22854140
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