On Tuesday, October 21, 2003, at 05:32 PM, Dan Shafer wrote:

I'm looking for community reaction. I won't start posting the new feature for a few days until I've given you a chance to respond to this idea and we've had time to air it adequately.

Dan Shafer, Revolutionary


Great! Sounds like a great idea. When I posted anything here I did it knowing that there was an archive for everything I posted. I consider this to be public domain. If I don't want it out there then I won't post to this list as I have not with rev_blowfish. I restricted this because of export laws. I have kept all the emails from this list that I could learn something about Transcript or Revolution from. These emails reflect all the experience that users have shared as well as their time. Having a topical or semantic reflection of the jewels that have been shared in this forum would add to the value of it.

Thanks for all your work,


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