On Wednesday, October 22, 2003, at 08:15 AM, Rick Harrison wrote:


You may want to check that Revolution doesn't own the rights since we are posting on their service.

Otherwise I would agree that it is in the public domain unless someone states that it is copyrighted material.



I've been doing some looking into © Copyright issues regarding postings to lists. This came up when someone objected to me creating an archive of a discussion list that was going to have its earlier years dropped from the server that was hosting it. I found out that as long as I didn't change what a person had written it was OK to host the archive. International copyright agreements regard the use of "© Copyright" differently. In some countries if the use of "© Copyright" is required before your rights exist. In the USA your rights exist when you post your message.

If Dan wishes to use fully replicated responses or suggestions of advice and wishes to make them easier to reed topically he might need to post the full message that contains the relevant information. He could color out the noise with html tagging to make unchanged posting more topically readable, or I would suggest getting permissions to alter postings to a paraphrased version by each person that contributed to the topic and that was intended to be used by Dan. I hope he finds out that he can cut and paste relevant parts without the need for formalized permissions.

My two cents...


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