Picking out the stacks that I recognise as mine :-)

On 13 Nov 2003, at 7:42 am, Thomas J McGrath III wrote:

Calendar - Both English date and System date are the same
This works for me - maybe you need to check your system settings.
e.g. today is 13th November, when I select that in Calendar, I get "11/13/2003" as the English date and "13/11/2003" as the system date. I am in Australia and the system date format is d/m/y but English date actually uses the US format (not the format used in England as one might expect) and shows m/d/y.

Launch OS X app - Find & Launch - If cancel then error -43
This is a strange one since it works with some apps but not all. At first I thought it was only working with .app bundles but that doesn't seem to be the case. Although it will open some applications, opened a document doesn't work at all, even when trying to use an application that opens OK. I'll have to do some more tests on this one and get back.


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