On 12/2/03 2:40 PM, "Bill Vlahos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Couldn't you just check the time once a minute or so?
>>   on checkTime
>>     if the time = "5:00 AM" or the time = "2:30 PM" then doMyStuff
>>     send "checkTime" to me in 60 seconds
>>   end checkTime

> These are all great suggestions. This one will fit the bill perfectly
> and is very simple.

Great.  You could also do:

  if the time is in "5:00 AM,2:30 PM" then doMyStuff

It occurred to me that if you want to be absolutely safe in catching the
correct time, you might want to send every 50 seconds or so to allow a
little overlap between minutes.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
W: http://www.tactilemedia.com

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