With all due respect, Ray, I think you must be thinking of something else. I used Windowscript for years but it had no report generator.

Windowscript was a GUI layer that ran on top of Hypercard...brilliantly I might add. Using Windowscript, Compilit, Printreport and a few others, one could make a real double clickable app completely in Hypercard....yes I used Hyperbasic as well...


Remember WindowScript? It was *almost* MetaCard, but a lot slower.

It had an excellent report generator, altho the "script" was rather arcane. The creator of WS had two to four ways of doing the same task. He's (or was) the prof of a computer dept at Utah State, I think.

The report generator was quasi-postscript: Very fast and reliable.

Meebee he would be interested.

Ray G. Miller
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