On 2/2/04 7:44 AM, "Frank Leahy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sunday, February 1, 2004, at 10:02  PM,
>> A stack with a card containing 1500 controls takes about 10 minutes to
>> close - on my G4 Powerbook with 667 MHz.
> If you are doing something with those controls when you close the stack
> (e.g. moving them, or resetting any values), that can take a very long
> time.
> Either way, try setting lock screen and lock messages in your
> closeStack handler and see if that speeds things up.

My problem doesn't have anything to do with excessive controls. There are
just two in the stack. I am sure the closeStack handler itself is just not
being run, even when manually closing the stack. The revCloseVideoGrabber
isn't happening, which is what got me started on this.


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