On Thursday, February 5, 2004, at 04:22 PM, Monte Goulding wrote:

This is where I think your making things complicated for yourself. Why not
put all your stacks in the MacOS folder?

I'm trying to be willing.

I guess that willfully going against Apple recommendations is being obnoxious and unfriendly. In other discussion on this list we saw how Adobe bundle layout was causing trouble. That is a black mark against Adobe. Some of the things I do are, um, ah, creative. I wouldn't want those confused with just being contrary.

Besides, isn't putting all the stacks in the MacOS folder contrary to the notion of making the delivery stack organization the same as the development organization? What if the development organization is not flat?

You have not complained about externals going into myapp.app/Contents/PlugIns, at least for the app stack. Are you thinking these should go into MacOS, too?

Dar Scott

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