> Quicktime is a good solution for cross platform
> apps
> *IF* you dont need Linux
> *IF* your users have administrative rights on
> their computer (Quicktime is 
> not installed by default on Windows computers)
> *IF* Apple do not change his license policy of
> Quicktime suddenly (already 
> happens few years ago)
> I used Quicktime for Windows apps succesfully
> for Point of Informations, 
> but i had nightmares with widely distributed
> CD-ROM because my end-users 
> didn't know how to install Quicktime, or where
> not allowed to do it or 
> there was some failure in the installation
> process.
> For windows only apps DirectX is a much better
> solution, but unfortunately 
> not supported yet by revolution.
> It would be very fine if Revolution could
> support natively the Flash 
> Player, because the flash player displays very
> well sounds, vector graphic 
> animation and digital video and is avalaible on
> Mac, Windows and Linux.

what about Windows Media Player?

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