I can give you a concrete reason why some of my Win only friends are edgy about having to install quicktime, and it is for the same reason I am edgy about having to install any product from Real media: there is, or at least has been in past installers, a tendency for QT to hijack media playing, and this is (again, an an older release) even with being careful about installation choices.

If you get too many people gunshy of installing your product because it either has given them experience of hijacking their media (whether by user error or not-quite-okay install script) then they're not going to change easily...

getting people to install anything when they have something "comparable" that works is like pulling teeth. i've been trying to convince a friend of mine to try iTunes on Windows for several months now, but because of the a) quicktime installation required, and b) some weird thing that happened no his machine with it on the first time he ran it, he's preferring to stick with Winamp. No amount of convincing him that he hasn't given it a fair shot or that QT installs very well on Win these days seems to make an effort, and so there is my story...

On Feb 9, 2004, at 11:24 AM, Stephen Quinn Barncard wrote:

Why this big negative about using Apple technologies? Quicktime works well, and is free. All this Applephobia is getting really dumb. Does Sony think they will sell more videocams because they call Firewire iLink, even though Apple created it?

People should get over the fact that Apple developed almost every new computer technology over the last 15 years and get over it. All the PC companies had plenty of time to develop iPods, Wireless, utilize USB (I know apple didn't invent it but they were the first to embrace it), and they invented a Teleconferencing system that actually worked well (iSight).

All Windoze and Linux users have all benefited from Apple "raising the bar" and should admit it.

As far as multimedia is concerned, Revolution as a native support for Quicktime, clearly an Apple technology. Windows and Linux users are not so happy...

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