Christopher Mitchell wrote:

> I can give you a concrete reason why some of my Win only friends are
> edgy about having to install quicktime, and it is for the same reason I
> am edgy about having to install any product from Real media: there is,
> or at least has been in past installers, a tendency for QT to hijack
> media playing, and this is (again, an an older release) even with being
> careful about installation choices.
> If you get too many people gunshy of installing your product because it
> either has given them experience of hijacking their media (whether by
> user error or not-quite-okay install script) then they're not going to
> change easily...

Agreed on the preception:  QuickTime is very polite about file extensions,
but Real is horribly rude and has established unfortunate expectations that
bleed over to other products.

Apple could do a better job of explaining the distinctions between the
QuickTime and Real Player experiences.

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation

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