Having "put" as the sole assignment syntax means, IMHO, that people looking at RR think it's more like HyperCard than less like HyperCard

Frank, et al:

My apologies if this is a repost. I originally sent it at 9 AM yesterday, and if it appeared on the list, I missed it:

Not supporting these standard statements make the language look a bit "beginner-ish"

Frank, et al:

Is there something inherently inferior about a programming environment that can be used productively by someone who doesn't have a degree in computer science?

Do professional developers feel threatened by the concept of business people writing custom software to drive their business without employing a programmer to assist or do the job for them?

As a professional with 30 years in the field, I am IMPRESSED that people like local MUG HyperCard SIG member, Carl Chaney, could write functional work order processing, invoicing, & tax reconciliation software for his laser engraving business and a point of sale system for his daughter's ice cream parlor in HyperTalk without taking one programming course and without even any experience using a spreadsheet. Sure his work looked "beginner-ish"; BUT IT DID THE JOB HE WANTED DONE.

Does the fact that Carl Chaney could do that in X-Talk, does that mean, a priori, that X-Talk is an inferior development environment?

If programming were illustration and program languages were boxes of crayons, my analogy would be:

Give a room full of ordinary people X-Talk crayons, and everyone of them will create an illustration. A ten year old's illustration may look less polished than an adult's, which in turn may look less polished than a professional illustrator's; but everyone can produce something meaningful to them.

Give a room full of ordinary people C crayons, and most won't be able to draw a single line.

Which environment is truly "beginner-ish" in terms of software development evolution?

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)
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