Hello everybody,

I was wondering if the itemDelimiter can be more than one character? I mean instead of "," or ":" can it be "<!--display paragraphs-->" ?
If the answer is NO then can someone help me understand how to sift through the html below to just extract the title text and the 2 paragraph texts? I know I can offset("<title>") field "HTML" but then what can I do to extract the text after that?
It may be obvious but for the life of me I can't 'see' it.

<title>Just for Today Meditation</title>
<BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#F8D0B8" LINK="#999999" VLINK="#000000" ALINK="#FF0000">
<!--calculate day of the year -->
<!-- numdays=datediff("d",firstday,now)+1 -->
<!--display paragraphs-->

<p>Our fantasies and expectations about the future may be so extreme that, on our first date with someone, we find ourselves wondering which lawyer we'll use for the divorce. Almost every experience causes us to remember something from the past or begin projecting into the future. </p>

<!--display paragraphs-->

<p>At first, it's difficult to stay in the moment. It seems as though our minds won't stop. We have a hard time just enjoying ourselves. Each time we realize that our thoughts are not focused on what's happening right now, we can pray and ask a loving God to help us get out of ourselves. If we regret the past, we make amends by living differently today; if we dread the future, we work on living responsibly today. </p>


Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev 2.1.2

Advanced Media Group Thomas J McGrath III • 2003 • [EMAIL PROTECTED] 220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102

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