On Feb 18, 2004, at 9:30 PM, Christopher Mitchell wrote:

It seems that, and I guess in a way it makes sense, if there is no over-riding handler in the children, the message path goes all the way up until it finds it, then it runs it in that location.

So I've over come this by putting a series of empty handlers in each of the substacks. It seems like this could be easier if there was a way to specify that certain stacks in parents were not inherited... am I missing this?

The message path is just always there- you can't turn it off for any stacks.

It's perfectly acceptable to put an empty handler if you want to trap a message and not have it reach the mainstack or whatever parent control.

There is an idiom that can be used instead, and I like this better (learned on this list perhaps from Ken Ray). In a mainstack you can put:

on preOpenStack
  if the owner of the target is me then
    -- handle mainstack message
    -- handle substack message
  end if
end preOpenStack

Similarly, for a library stack "start using", you want to check the target of the message:

on libraryStack
  if the target <> me then exit libraryStack
end libraryStack

Check out Dar's excellent Message Mechanics primer to learn more about the message path.

-- Alex Rice | Mindlube Software | http://mindlube.com

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