Message: 1 Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2004 07:19:08 -0800 From: Richard Gaskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: OT: Web design software To: How to use Revolution <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

Jim Hurley wrote:

LHP (little help please)

 I have a book coming out in the not too distant future, and would
 like to put some interactive RunRev applications (physics
 simulations) for download on a web site. (I may  put them up on my
 FTP site soon.)

 I've done some HTML web pages in the past using Adobe Page Mill 1.0.
 It was all right for the very simple stuff.

 I know many of you have sites that allow the user to download stacks
 and applications by clicking buttons.

> Is there a relatively simple Web design application which allows this
 facility? I'm looking for something relatively basic; the last thing
 I want to do is master another state of the art application.

Since you'll have to deliver a player app for users to run them, why not save them the extra step of using a Web browser and build a directory right into your app which can download and run your stack files?

 Richard Gaskin


I appreciate your advice on this matter. I have no feel at all for delivering this package via the web.

There will be about five or six separate themes. I have developed each on one or two cards (maybe a substack) all as part of one stack. There will be a front piece (card one) with an index and buttons to take the user to the specific theme.

My thought was to simply create a standalone consisting of the entire stack (it won't be large) and store that on a web site with the url to be cited in the book.

Pretty basic. Is there a better way?


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