Richard Gaskin wrote:

>>Since you'll have to deliver a player app for users to run them, why not
>>save them the extra step of using a Web browser and build a directory
>> right into your app which can download and run your stack files?

Jim Hurley replied:

>My thought was to simply create a standalone consisting of the entire
>stack (it won't be large) and store that on a web site with the url
>to be cited in the book.

>From my own experience, I recommend Richard's approach - something similar
to his RevNet.  This will give you a way to get corrected or revised stacks
to users easily, as well as new stacks you think up later.  A user can
download your existing standalone set of stacks in a single archive file.
Then, when a web connection is available, the standalone can check for
updates.  My approach is described at .

Rich Herz

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