Hi Devin,

I use it in the brief animation module I present for my course, along with
flip-frame style animation/set the loc of style animation, and the really
old, clunkier-still, creditmaker that makes scrolling credits.

But, no, I haven't really had much success with it (the Animation Builder)
either.  Clunky playback.  As you say, fine within the builder itself but
later playback seems awful.  Changing FPS seems not to help.

But we're using Macs (OS 9).



On Fri, 20 Feb 2004, Devin Asay wrote:

> Thanks for the replies.
> I tried those things; adjusting frames per second doesn't smooth things
> out, setting 'alwaysBuffer' to true or false has no effect. Bottom line
> is that animations play smoothly enough in the Animation Builder, but
> once you're out of it, playing back the animation with
> revPlayAnimation, performance is jumpy and jerky. I'm on a Dual 2 GHz
> G5 running Panther and Rev 2.1.2. But I have seen this same behavior on
> all Macs I've tried, running OS 9 and X and dating back to Rev 1.X.
> Has anyone successfully used these animations? Does it work better
> under Windows?
> Devin

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