
Thanks for the reply. well, yes, you're right that this works - and I would have sworn I had tried it, but I guess the confusion stems from the fact that in my regular format I have to use the quotes. So I must have just been loading the variable wrong earlier when I was doing it before I looked up 'quote' ... :/ It seems weird to not put quotes when it is in a variable and to put them when it is not.

The shorter way is the first thing I tried! I promise! must have been 4am typos or something. Thanks again!

Chris, the Newbie
On Feb 21, 2004, at 6:15 AM, Ops wrote:


The name of your graphic pointer is: pointer1 It's NOT "pointer1" (with the double quotes). In your lone set statement, the quotes merely tell the engine that what's enclosed (withing the quotes) should be treated (or looked upon) as a literal string and NOT a variable/container...so in effect, your lone set statement actually conveys to the engine the literal string: pointer1

In your repeat loop, you are telling the engine to look for a container named "pointer1" instead of pointer1, and it does not find it, and thus generates the error. Change your repeat to:

 repeat with i = 1 to 3
     put "pointer" & i into tName
     answer tName -- should now give you the right content: pointer1
     set the angle of graphic tName to rotAngle
   end repeat

A shorter way to write the above would be:

repeat with i = 1 to 3
        set the angle of graphic "pointer" & i to rotAngle
end repeat

Hope this was clear.


Christopher Mitchell wrote:

Another likely simple question for which the specific documentation does not seem readily available, or at least accessible. Hopefully someday other newbies will benefit from all these syntax questions and you all won't tar and feather me just yet. I feel like I've been spamming the list :/
Ok, I've got a card with several graphic objects all named pointer1, pointer2, pointer3, etc. I want a repeat script to change the angle property of each one of them.
The usual line that works outside the loop is, of course:
set the angle of graphic "pointer1" to rotAngle
The problem comes in getting the 'set' command to properly parse any of the content I'm throwing at it in order to make it work in the same way using the counter generated by a 'repeat with' loop, as follows:
repeat with i = 1 to 3
put quote & "pointer" & i & quote into tName
answer tName -- this is giving me the right content: "pointer1"
set the angle of graphic tName to rotAngle -- this line chokes with chunk error, no such object. hint: "pointer1"
end repeat
As indicated by the comment, I put in the 'answer' just as a sanity check and the contents of tName at that point are exactly what I would type into the usual line; yet it tells me that there is a chunk error:no such object - with the hint, ironically, as "pointer1" ...
Is there some way i need to escape this variable tName when I put it in the 'set' statement in order to make it use the contents literally, exactly as if I had typed them in? I've tried several combinations of using the quote constant and the '&' operator, but the 'set' command definitely does not like having those things in its strings anymore than moving it out into a variable.
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