
Actually, Malte also responded with the corrected "shorter" version and he is correct. My bad, in my zeal to explain the difference between a quoted literal string and the actual object name, I overlooked the fundamental syntax of what I sent!! SORRY!!

In the example I sent, there is a precedence problem. To make the evaluation sequence clear for the Rev engine, enclose "pointer" & i in double quotes. This tells the Rev engine to "do this first". So, (as Malte already stated) the corrected version is:

repeat with i = 1 to 3
     set the angle of graphic ("pointer" & i) to rotAngle
end repeat

The precedence is generally pretty intuitive as to how you the human (programmer) some cases one must override the precedence rules by surrounding certain constructs inside ()'s in order to indicate to the engine that these phrases (the one's in ()'s) should be done FIRST.

Again, sorry, and hope this is *all* clear now :)


P.S. Don't know what kind of graphic that pointer1 my test, although it compiled correctly with the above...*my* pointer1 didn't seem to rotate...don't know why, but I also tried it with an image and it worked perfectly...I usually manipulate a graphic by changing it's points property...


Christopher Mitchell wrote:


I think the thing that confused me from the beginning and caused me to use that variable was that putting in :

repeat with i = 1 to 3
    set the angle of graphic "pointer" & i to rotAngle
end repeat

returns an error in the script debugger of type: set, missing 'to' .... so by putting in the concatenation, the set command does not follow to the "to" ... and of course, you can't put the i counter in quotes, so that's why I started pulling it out of the line.

Is there a good reason why the script shouldn't like the inline concatenation though? that seems absurd.

On Feb 21, 2004, at 6:15 AM, Ops wrote:

set the angle of graphic "pointer" & i to rotAngle

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