>> polling mouse events
>> (repeat while the mouse is down...) hogs the processor.
> Unless you have a background process that needs time in your app, it
> doesn't really matter if the processor gets hogged for a bit (and OSX
> should take care of other processes ok) -- but it might be interesting
> to code it that way.

In the past, another important concern for constructs such as "repeat while
the mouse is down" or "repeat until the mouse is up" was that the mouseup
event would sometimes get overlooked in the repeat handler.  I don't know if
this issue was ever addressed at a lower level but the possibility of
missing a mouse event, as well as the additional processor use, were
significant reasons for avoiding the aforementioned type of script.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
Web: www.tactilemedia.com

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