>> You mentioned this was a fairly large stack, as Rev goes. 5,500 cards is
>> pretty much the limit in Rev. A stack this size will normally take a
>> while to save. 

> To be honest, this statement struck me like lightening. One of the HC
> stacks I use most often has more than 30 000 cards and stands at 5.9 MB.
> ...
> I am now thinking of moving to Rev and you mention 5500 cards come close
> to the limit. This is indeed very, very bad news for me. I rushed to
> check the Rev  documentation and it says that the maximum number of
> objects in a stack is "unlimited." Admittedly I'm getting confused. The
> stack in question has now 1.2 MB. Is this too much for Rev under OS X?

I just now created a new stack and ran a script to generate 30,000 cards
that all have a shared group.  Took about a minute or so to run.  No problem
here on OSX.

 lock screen;repeat for 30000;create cd;end repeat;answer "done"


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design
W: http://www.tactilemedia.com

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