I suppose you would argue that:

"If there is a window named x then x must be one of the windows"

I agree, the english assertions seem to be inconsistent if the above can be false =)

I guess it would be clearer if the global property was something like "the openWindows"?
Or... if the behavior of "there is a window" was changed to mean "there is an (open) window"?

Backtracking a bit to the original problem of the answer dialog, you might consider borrowing a general technique from multi-threaded / multi-process apps: use a locking mechanism.

on myAnswer x
    global isLocked
    wait until (isLocked <> TRUE) with messages
    put TRUE into isLocked
    answer x
    put FALSE into isLocked
end myAnswer

This off the top of my head, but the idea is that for as long as the answer dialog is presented using this wrapper, you can't open another one until it is dismissed.

- Brian

Just to be very clear here. In my opinion:

x is among the lines of the windows

... and...

there is a window x

.... should be synonymous for purposes of checking for existence of window x. This is not the case at the moment.

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