
I downloaded the "asteroids" stack, being sure I could learn something from it.

go stack url http://www.inspiredlogic.com/rev/starbattle.rev

(I downloaded it, did not type the go stack command in the IDE since internet connections are EXTREMELY expensive here and I use a satellite proxy to quickly download what I need)

In fact I did learn something: I started the stack, used the mouse to click on "Start Game", waited a few seconds until something appeared on the screen and press "cursor left". Result: Revolution used up to 95% of CPU time, the stack stopped working completely, restoring dev tools was not possible any longer and I had to kill the complete instance using the task manager.
This is 100% reproducable on my main machine: Win XP Pro, 1GB RAM, 240 GB HD space (90GB free), 2.6GHz AMD Athlon, NVidia TI4600 video card, two monitors attached (Desktop spreading).

I did not have time to dig into the code (since I don't understand Transcript anyway it would not help me much, I guess), but maybe someone on this list is able to explain what happens?

Marc Albrecht
A.C.T. / level-2
Glinder Str. 2
27432 Ebersdorf
Tel. 04765-830060
Fax. 04765-830064

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