On Mar 23, 2002, at 12:37 AM, Brian Yennie wrote:

Worth noting that for a web app, if you are going to lock records then those locks must timeout after a while- otherwise someone can leave something locked forever, and there is no way for you to detect for sure that they are gone.

yes... I learned that the hard way.... I remember shouting "WHY THE HELL CAN'T I CHANGE MY PREFS RECORDS!!!! THIS CODE IS BUGGY!!!"... tesc tesc tesc... after one hour struggle with session management routines, cookies and the like I thought "Who is removing the records from the queue if user disconects..."... I went to the kitchen and opened a coke.

There's also another grip, if the DB does not support rollback, you might want to store old values in a cache for a while so that you can hard code a rollback... yes, this is ugly, but so is any "undo"...

-- Andre Alves Garzia  2004 Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL http://studio.soapdog.org

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