Hi Everyone,

Here is some news from Apple regarding and event talking place in Sweden and Germany.



Dr Rod McCall ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ http://www.runrev.com/
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools



                  Friday 7th May : Stockholm, SWEDEN
                 Monday 10th May : Berlin, GERMANY

Dear Developer,

You've read about Mac OS X's UNIX-based, open source core in technical publications and the excellent development environment it offers. Now here's your chance to evaluate Mac OS X as a development platform in one afternoon.

You are cordially invited to attend one of two Mac OS X Tech Talks, brought to you by the Apple Developer Connection, in either Stockholm or Berlin (All presentations will be held in English)


This free, half-day briefing provides an overview of the Unix underpinnings of Mac OS X and its associated development environment for developers and IT professionals. An array of topics will be covered, including:

Mac OS X and Developer Tools :

In this session we will present an overview of Mac OS X and introduce Apple's Developer Tools. We will describe Xcode, Apple's new IDE featuring advanced technologies such as Fix and Continue, Zero Link and Distributed Build. We will show you how to create and start new application projects, and demonstrate documentation access and search, source-level debugging, and integrated source control. We will also introduce new features in Interface Builder, Apple’s innovative UI design application and present examples of applications that are based on Xcode.

Optimizing for G5 :

Learn how to optimize your software for the 64-bit Power Mac G5. In this session we will present an overview of the architectural features and design goals of the Power Mac G5. We will describe the PowerPC G5 processor jointly developed by Apple and IBM and the high bandwidth system architecture employed on the Power Mac and Xserve. We will illustrate specific techniques to accelerate your software through specific code examples and real-live applications. We will also demonstrate how Apple's performance optimization tools can help you examine and improve the performance of your code.

Hardware Technology Update :

In this session we will present a high-level overview of the capabilities of USB, FireWire, Bluetooth, AirMac and other I/O technologies on Mac OS X, iTunes, iPhoto and the iPod. Learn about the latest developments with Bluetooth, USB 2.0, FireWire 800 and 802.11g and the standard drivers and capabilities already built into Mac OS X. Lastly, we will discuss how networked media devices can work with iTunes and iPhoto and opportunities for developing solutions that connect to the iPod.

Enterprise Update :

Apple has returned to the Enterprise. Learn about today's IT trends and how Apple's strengths in technology, ease of use and cost performance position the Mac OS X platform for success in the Enterprise. This session will present an overview of Apple's hardware and software technologies, including Xserve G5, which delivers over 30 gigaflops in a 1U enclosure, and Xgrid, which uses Rendezvous to make cluster computing easy. We will also describe initiatives in open standards and high performance computing, including an overview of the cluster computer project at Virginia Tech. Lastly, we will review existing Enterprise Alliances and describe opportunities for developers in the Enterprise.


Friday 7th May 2004
Mac OS X Tech Talk - Stockholm, Sweden
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Campus Valhallavägen
Hörsal F1 Lindstedsvägen 22
Stockholm, Sweden, 10044
Time: 13:00 to 18:00

Monday 10th May 2004
Mac OS X Tech Talk - Berlin, Germany
Freie Universitat Berlin
Garystrasse 35
14195, Berlin, Germany
Time: 13:00 to 18:00

---------------------------------- RESERVE YOUR PLACE TODAY ----------------------------------

Mac OS X offers developers and IT professionals the best of both worlds. Don't miss this opportunity to discover for yourself how compelling the simplicity of Macintosh combined with the power of UNIX can be.

Seating is limited so please reserve your place soon using the form located at http://events.euro.apple.com/. We will send you an agenda upon confirmation.

If you'd like to learn more about Mac OS X before attending one of the Tech Talks please visit the following URLs:



There is no enrollment fee required for participation in this event. You must assume your own travel & hotel expenses. Seating is limited & registration is accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Upon receipt of your reservation we will send you a confirmation e-mail indicating the final time & location of the event.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. We look forward to meeting you!

Best regards,

Apple Developer Connection
Worldwide Developer Relations - Europe & MEA

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