Hi All,

Well at about 2 AM this morning, I finally found something interesting!

On the Stack that exhibits this problem, I step-by-step deleted cards until there was just one card remaining. I then removed the stack script, I then removed Groups from the remaining card until I was left with just one Group Object and still the problem persisted. I then started editing this last object. I found that if I removed a (the only) "focusable" field from the group the problem went away. I then added a "focusable" field directly on the card (not in any group) and 99% of the time this makes the problem come back again. On the 1% of the time when the problem goes away WITH a focusable field present, if I change the contents of the field, I get the dialog again.

This is very strange, since I have another Stack that is similar to this stack and it doesn't have this same problem even though it has many "focusable" fields within it.

Dan, you said you had a Stack that had the same or similar problems, could you check and see if it has a "focusable" Field in it?

I'd like to say thankyou to everyone that helped me on this and also to apologise for throwing all my toys out of my cot!!! Thinking about it more clearly today and after having time to digest all the various emails on this subject, I realize that the problem was less serious that I thought. The problem was that wasn't demoing this to a customer as a finished App, I was really selling RunRev to the powers that be as a development environment, and one of the key selling points is that fact the the IDE and the App itself can "share" the data within a stack. However the fact that this dialog was appearing was disconcerting since it kind of meant that data was being somehow or that the script/IDE was falsely detecting that data had changed, and I knew they would ask about this. Now that I least have a handle on what causes the problem, I have a chance to fix it or at least avoid it.

Not sure quite where to go from here. Does anyone have any idea on "Fosusable" fields should cause this problem? Anything else I could try in an attempt to narrow this down?

Thanks again and Happy Developing

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