
For aesthetics as well as cross-platform issues, my stack uses Comic Sans
and Trebuchet MS fonts.  The problem I am running into is that, mid-way
through the stack on a PC, either the font 'reverts' (?) to Lucida
something-or-other OR it retains the correct font but decides to change
the font size to 10 or 12 (instead of 18 or 24).

So, I edited it/changed everything to what it was supposed to be *on a PC*
mind you, brought it back into the Mac-side of things, made some other,
unrelated, changes, took it back to the PC and... guess what?  Font
changes for naught.  Same old problem *again*.

I've tried hand-setting it (by using the browse tool, selecting the text,
and using the Text menu commands); I've done it by selecting the contents
from the object inspector and setting the text attributes from the menu;
I've done it by using the arrow tool to select the text field and then
using the menu test commands... all of which fail to resolve the problem.

I suppose I could use text as graphics, but that would be alot of work and
I'm guessing that shouldn't be necessary.

Any informed ideas?  [Clearly I have none :-( ]



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