At 23:24 17/07/2004 +0200, Wouter wrote:

Hi all,

Some weird behavior.

If the style of a created graphic is set to polygon and the points of it are set to a list like:

-----------   start of list


------------- end of list

then revolution adds another point to the list.
it becomes:

-----------   start of list


------------- end of list

whereas in metacard  no point is added

If the style of the graphic is set to curve and then reverted to polygon no point is added no more.
???? Puzzling...

I saw something like this when I was trying my "speedy graphics" examples, but thought it was just something I had done wrong. Or rather, was still doing wrong - I kept seeing odd behaviour that I don't understand, and was kind of stuck in trying to complete the project.
So I'm really glad you sent this email :-)

Looking into it some more, with this hint in mind, I think I have a clearer picture.

I think you have a malformed polygon. From the Transcipt dictionary (points entry):

A blank line in the points indicates that the previous and next vertexes are not connected by a line--that is, the line, curve, or polygon is broken into two (or more) pieces. If the last line of the points of a polygon is blank, the polygon is not closed. A closed polygon's start point (the first line of its points property) is the same as its end point (the last line of its points property).

NB: An open polygon has a blank last line A closed polygon has the last line == first.

Your example, like many of mine, had neither of those conditions true. So I guess it is, strictly speaking, malformed - and hence the behaviour could be undefined.

I've been unable to see any failure with any example where I had a properly formed polygon according to specification.

I still think it can be considered a bug - but at least it can be avoided / worked around.

-- Alex.
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