At 14:51 19/07/2004 +0200, Wouter wrote:

On 18 Jul 2004, at 06:54, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Message: 19
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 2004 02:10:06 +0100
From: Alex Tweedly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

big snip

[ Transcript dictionary, as paraphrased (accurately, I think) by me ]

An open polygon has a blank last line
A closed polygon has the last line == first.
(might have been marginally more precise to say "last point == first")

You said:
We have to reconsider the term <malformed polygon>.
May be <malused polygon opacity property> is better in this case.

I'm not convinced. The description above requires that a polygon must meet one or other of the two conditions - and many "obvious" polygons will not satisfy either condition. No need to invoke the opacity of the polygon. Your original example had a non-blank last line containing a point which was not a duplicate of the first point - therefore was neither an open nor a closed polygon.

The default setting of the opaque property of the templategraphic is true.
If not altered all new polygons are of the "closed" type.
Setting the opaque property to false for using "open" polygons and to true for "closed" polygons,
do you still consider this as a bug or a work around?

Not sure about whether it's a bug or not. As far as I can tell, all polygons which meet the description in the dictionary will be either "properly closed" or "properly open", and all will be drawn as you'd expect - both in opaque and transparent.

So I'm sure it's a deficiency to leave the definition of polygon so (needlessly) amenable to describing malformed ones - but not sure whether it's a bug or an opportunity for improvement.

The interaction of closed-ness with the opacity setting seems like a bug. If a script supplies a set of points which describe a malformed polygon, then that malformed polygon should be treated consistently, regardless of whether it is opaque or transparent. (Though of course it's better - and perfectly possible - to make it literally impossible to describe a malformed polygon.)

But I'm sure it could be better described in the documentation. And I'm sure that provided you know about malformed polygons (which I didn't until this discussion started - thanks) you can easily avoid any problems - so if it's a bug, it's a fairly minor one.

-- Alex.
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