Re: The 2.5 debugger
        •        From: Kevin Miller
        •         Subject: Re: The 2.5 debugger
        •         Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 13:42:03 -0700

On 21/7/04 7:26 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I downloaded the 2.5 beta this morning and went immediately to the debugger.
> Lots of improvements! Thanks!
> Not to appear ungrateful but....
> Is there some technical reason why the buttons in the debugger can't have
> command keys on OS X? You know, command I for Step Into, command T for Trace,
> command A for Abort. This would be very helpful.

Step Into is Space. Step Over is Option space. Command-. is abort. We
didn't do Run and Trace as we thought these were likely only to be wanted
once. However, Command-w will run, though it also closes the window.

Kevin Miller ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~

Wow, becoming of age...
The only weird combination is Command-w.
On mac os x it is used to close windows.
But closing AND run ??? Causes a lot of windows switching.
What if one wants to keep the window open and run?
May be a prefs feature?
And why not Command-r when used in debug mode (if possible without closing the window)?
Surely one does not want to group objects during debugging.

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