Hi Judy,

Just took a quick look at your stack - the issue you are having with the
missing text is that the group 'contents' that contains the fields
'Content' and 'Topic' is invisible - setting the visible property to true
should make the text appear.

Best wishes,


  Mark Waddingahm ~ 36degrees @ runrev.com ~ http://www.runrev.com/
       Runtime Revolution ~ User-Centric Development Tools

On Thu, 29 Jul 2004, Judy Perry wrote:

> Okay... (deep breath):
> Not only do my fonts go FUBAR half-way through my stack (as witnessed by
> folks participating in the RevChat yesterday), BUT...
> Some fields do not show up AT ALL.  (I had thought that maybe the kiddies
> had somehow selected them and hit the delete button when I wasn't looking,
> but no, this is not the case).
> Previously working script:
> on preOpenCard
>   hide image "ChemProjectSm2.jpg"
>   hide image "ChemProjectSm3.jpg"
>   hide image "ChemProjectSm4.jpg"
>   put "Revolution cards can contain..." && return into fld "Content"
> end preOpenCard
> on openCard
>   wait 1 secs
>   put return && return && "   Text " && return after the last line of fld
> "Content"
>   wait 1 sec
>   show image "ChemProjectSm2.jpg"
>   wait 1 secs
>   put "    Images " && return after the last line of fld "Content"
>   wait 1 sec
>   show image "ChemProjectSm3.jpg"
>   wait 1 secs
>   put "    Buttons" after the last line of fld "Content"
> wait 1 sec
> show image "ChemProjectSm4.jpg"
> wait 2 secs
> end openCard
> So, you see that what I'm trying to do is, on a timed basis, put lines of
> text into a field named "Content".
> I see nothing.  I get no error messages.
> I check the application browser; sure enough, the field exists.
> Double-clicking it from there I can access contents.  And, sure enough, in
> the contents view, I SEE MY TEXT.  But I don't see it on screen.
> If I ask Rev to return the contents of the field using an answer command
> in the message box, I get my contents.  BUT NOT ONSCREEN.  (reaching for
> inhaler...)
> Why, in the name of anyone's favorite deity, is this happening?  I cannot
> see/select the field, but the app browser reports that it's there...
> (for anybody still with me, it's card 13 of Revtour.rev.zip found at:
> http://ecs.fullerton.edu/~jperryl/RevTour.rev.zip).
> Aaarrgggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
> (feeling like Bloat in Finding Nemo...)
> Judy
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