Hi all,

While LibCGI helped me a lot in building my website, there is one issue I can't resolve yet.

I have a 'content' stack and I want to access information in another stack named 'agenda'. And I can't figure out how.
I tried:

lock messages
start using "path/to/agenda.rev"
put functionInAgenda() into a

That worked as long as I let functionInAgenda just return plain information. If I want to access a field on a card, it fails.

I even tried:
put url "http://www.de-mare.nl/cgi-bin/form.cgi?stack=agenda&cmd=cmdinagenda"; into a

The space where the data should be inserted stayed empty, while the url itself worked OK in a browser.

I also tried to mare agenda a substack of content an do:
put value("functionInAgenda()",stack "agenda") into a

Same result. If I specify a card in "agenda" it can't be found. If I check the name of the first card, it gives the name of the first card of stack 'content' instead. If I add 'of stack "agenda"' it solves the problem in the development environment, but the webbrowser gives an infinite load time.

Any suggestions?


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