--- Rodney Tamblyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Terry,
> You *think* (you'll need to check this) you can
> access data in custom 
> properties of stacks, but not fields, when the stack
> is accessed by the 
> command line engine.  e.g. you can start using a
> stack, and execute a 
> function that may (for example) retrieve data stored
> in a custom 
> property of the stack, but you cannot navigate to a
> card, get a field 
> etc.
> ~ Rodney

Actually, why not just go to the right card in the
stack and execute the function ? I made a simple test
stack with a single bakcground field "Memo" and the
following cgi-scripts to test :

1. newmemo.mt
on startUp
  open stack "smemo.rev"
  go last card
  create card
  put "I made this with the cgi-engine," && \
      the internet date && "!" into field "memo"
  save stack "smemo.rev"
  close stack "smemo.rev"
  put "Added 1 card" into tBuffer
  put "Content-Type: text/plain" & cr
  put "Content-Length:" && length(tBuffer) & cr & cr
  put tBuffer
end startUp

2. showmemo.mt
on startUp
  put $QUERY_STRING into tQuery
  split tQuery using "&" and "="
  put tQuery["number"] into tCardNumber
  open stack "smemo.rev"
  go card tCardNumber
  put "Content of 'memo' field:" & return & \
      field "memo" into tBuffer
  close stack "smemo"
  put "Content-Type: text/plain" & cr
  put "Content-Length:" && length(tBuffer) & cr & cr
  put tBuffer
end startUp

I triggered newmemo a couple of times, checked the
content with Revolution to make sure there was data in
the stack.
Then I wanted to see if the cgi-engine could get the
content of the field from card 3 with:
And I got the correct result.

[And before any of the security experts say anything,
this is running on a separate box on my local network
so security is not an issue for these tests]

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel

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