On Thursday, September 2, 2004, at 01:04 AM, Klaus Major wrote:

At the time, he was purported to have had a dislocated shoulder, but he knew
the flight surgeon would ground him, so he didn't report it, made the flight
in a lot of pain.

Oh my god! He's a hero!

In 1990, while I was in the Civil Air Patrol, Lake Tahoe Sqdn, I met him in
person at an aerospace education conference (10,000 teachers, high-ranking
NASA, FAA, USAF personnel, and other 'living legend' historical figures in
aviation) which lasted three days in Reno, Nevada.

I consider it a priviledge.

Oh, and one more historical item. I think he was the only fighter pilot at
the end of WWII to shoot down the famous German jet from a piston-engine
propellered aircraft (a P-51).

Thank you for this one, very compassionate! :-D

Ken N.


Klaus Major

Hilarious ! Chuck Yeager, scourge of the mighty Luftwaffa.


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