At 13:42 04/09/2004 -0500, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Actually, I think it depends on how you came to Revolution. One of the biggest complaints when Rev first came out was the hover behavior. Every other xtalk product uses the click method and anyone who came over from another platform disliked hover. I know I always was very frustrated with it and prefer the current change.

However, I don't like that Cmd-Opt-click also sends mouse messages; if that is the hated behavior Jerry refers to then I agree, and hover is preferable.

If the Rev team can remove the mouse messages when Cmd-Opt-click occurs, then for me, that's the ideal behavior.

See Bugzilla 1884. I submitted a report saying that it shouldn't send the mouse message to the stack, and Kevin disagreed and marked it as "Not a bug". I can sympathize with his reasoning - though I still think it would be an improvement for minimal, if any, risk.

See brief discussion on this list around July 23rd. At that time, I said
Am I right in thinking that a script like

on mouseUp
  if the controlKey is down and the altkey is down then
    pass mouseUp to top
  end if
  pass mouseUp
end mouseUp

could be inserted as a front script without adverse side-effects.
(It seems to work, but I'm very cautions about using front-scripts - worried I'll interfere with something important and not realize until too late).

and it still seems to be working without causing *me* any problems .... though I haven't got round to putting it into every project I do yet, so it's not been thoroughly tried out.

-- Alex.
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